Intro to Git and Github for Non-Coders

Intro to Git and Github for Non-Coders

Git is a free and open-source version control tool that is widely used for working with code, and one of the essential tools enabling open-source collaboration.

While built for programmers, Git is an amazing tool that anybody can use to manage any kind of content. Be it text, spreadsheets, images, vector drawings, or 3D models, you can put pretty much anything you want into a Git repository. Doing so will, almost like magic, allow you to easily manage versions of files, share and collaborate on them with your colleagues, create backups, and more.

Using Git you can, for example:
– Publish project documentation and source material.
– Manage versions of graphic design work such as posters or fliers.
– Make a repository of assets such as logos or icons.
– Organize, backup and synchronize your notes across different devices.
– Create a Wiki for your community.

Whilst simple to use, Git can be confusing for new users, especially for those who are not necessarily interested in using it for software development, as most tutorials and reference material is designed for learning to use Git with code.

In this hands-on workshop, you will learn all you need to know to start using Git to organize your projects, and to publish and collaborate on them using GitHub.

Whilst this workshop is aimed at people with no programming experience, coders are also welcome to participate 🙂

Topics covered:
– Installing and using Git, GitHub Desktop and Obsidian.
– Writing in Markdown.
– Using Git locally.
– Collaborating on a repository using GitHub.
– Publishing a simple website using GitHub Pages.

The workshop is hosted by Tiago Rorke, and will be in English.


As reservas estão fechadas para este evento.